My Mom-Is-Coming-Checklist

I recently had a conversation with my mom about her making a long flight from Woodstock, GA to Pleasant Hill, OR to visit me and my family (who are also spread out to Central Oregon). I cannot wait!! I haven't seen her since our wedding in 2008! I also am excited to have a deadline for some little, and frankly embarrassing, things that need to be done around the house. (Mom, if you're reading this, don't feel bad that we're doing all of this in your honor, it's just a fabulous excuse and a reasonable deadline to get all of these things done)

Here's my incredibly revealing and un-edited list:
(for those of you who know me, this disorganization may be a shock, I would remove any children from the room, I wouldn't want to be a bad example. YA it's that bad)

Weight Room:- Texture/Paint/New light fixture

Guest Bedroom:

- New custom closet built/painted/installed (carpet in closet ripped out)
-New wood blinds

Master Bedroom:-Build a bench/make cushions/find baskets for under storage
-Wall decorations
-Hooks for behind door
-Matching table lamps
-Trim out big window
-Shorten blinds (wayyy too much excess)
-Add height to far corner


-Finish slate/grout/seal
-Wall decorations above desk


-Organize/clean under sink

-Clean/organize under sink
(i think even my camera was a little shocked at this one)

Entry hall way:
-Repair ceiling (it's hard to get a house roofed when your husband is the one doing it, and he also has a job...unfortunately Eugene weather isn't consistent and we had a leak mid project)
-Prime/paint ceiling
-Build Bench
-Hang coat hooks
-Make and hang decorative sign

Living Room:

-Fill holes in trim around sliders/windows
-Prime/paint trim
-Touch up grout

-Seal/pressure wash chimney
-Build/plant garden
-take out bamboo
-pressure wash/weed/yard maintenance/burn piles burnt
-Empty tarp building (my mother in law has some things of hers that she stores in a tarp building in our front yard, we're in the process of emptying it out and getting rid of the tarp building)

Cannot wait to get these things started and more importantly cannot wait for the arrival of my mom!!


  1. Um, if your mama lives in the south why aren't YOU here too!!!!! ;-)

  2. what great motivation! you go girl i love you

  3. @Donielle, doesn't your mama live in the NW? HA! @Ashley, thank you! we're cruisin' on the list for sure!
