Wherever he is he's working!

Jeremy has had some time off (unfortunately not by choice this time) and he's used his time around the house very wisely!

Here's our new pantry

The pantry freshly sealed/primed and ready for paint (finally!)

Now onto the back yard renovations
This is a cinder block raised garden
He tore it out and now we can start building our barbecue
in the corner where the pond L's

This is our front door (that no one uses, but eventually
it'll be the only front door, we have several :( )
He took out the window to the left of the door,
centered the door, re-textured, primed and
painted the wall surrounding the door

Now it's ready for finish work and the new door!
He also did some slate work in our music room that I didn't get pictures of.
Kind of a fan!

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