"Plum" Full

A few weeks ago, while Jeremy and I were working on the yard, we noticed several fruit trees in both the front and back yards. We were about on our way to pick blackberries, oddly enough and were pleasantly surprised that soon we would be picking fruit from our own yard soon. We have two plum trees, an apple and a pear tree! The fruit wasn't quite ready to be picked several weeks ago, but after throwing the ball around for our dog this evening I noticed some very ripe, juicy looking plums! I grabbed a ladder and a bowl and before I moved onto the second plum tree my large bowl was full!
I went to the front yard to see if any of those trees were bearing ripe fruit. No such luck, BUT they are getting offly close!

Even though I was able to pick a ton of plums, there are still quite a few that aren't ripe enough. But as soon as they are I will be happy to take them off their trees' hands er limbs.

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